A Nieweg Homestead

At 8 am, July 17, 2000 Hans Nieweg came to pick up Ruth and me and take us to what he said was the Nieweg house. Records from the church at Bissendorf had revealed that Niewegs were in that area since 1684. The old house had only the big front stone wall of the house still standing. A large barn was still filled with swine. Lots of old machinery was nearby. The sign Drinum Nienum was close by. We snapped some photos. Then he tried to find out where Borgholzhausen was from someone in a village. The answer he got was it was about a half hour further on a narrow road and Hans said he and his wife would go there sometime and send us some photos they would take.

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A Nieweg Homestead of the 1600s

Mabel (MO, USA) and Hans Nieweg (Germany)

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The Barn

next to the remaining house, containing pigs

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The Barn

It contained pigs in 2000

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