The Baptismal record of Edward Heinrich Holt

St. Johns Records, Cappeln, MO

as translated in 1980

as translated by Mabel Busdieker in 2005

p.21 No 209 Edward Heinrich, pflegesohn des Conrad Holdt - und ernstling eheliches kind der Susanna Margaretha Vogler, wereheleister Holdt;geboren am 4 (_______) Januar 1852, getauft am 17 (siebxehnten) Januar 1875 (II jo. Epipls)

Edward Heinrich foster son of Conrad Holdt and first born legitimate child of Susanna Margaretha Vogler, first married Holdt born 4 January 1852, baptised 17 January 1875 before the assembled congregation. Matthew 16 - 24.

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