Record of Johann Friedrich Giesmann

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Death Record            English  

Extracted from the death and burial books of the Evanglical Lutheran Church of Buer

Year 1829 Page 47 #62

Place of Death: Wetter (NE of Melle, Germany)

The deceased's full name, social standing, and place of residence

Hired man Johann Friedrich Giesmann, Husband of Catharine Clara Rischen

The deceased's parents according to name and social standing

Peter Henrich Giesmann and Clara Elizabeth vor der Hacke, Mellisch-Eicken

Day and Hour of death in years: 26 March 1829, 32 years 9 months

Nature of death - Chest illness

Day of burial: 29 March 1829

Comments (at the side):

Name of the church book head next to the date

Extracted Melle 5, Buer on the 20th of Sept 1989 at the Certification or accreditation of the extract from Ev. Lutheran Parish of Buer 1520 Melle 5