The Family of Charles and Mary Demien


  • Married (Verheiratet):  date not known

Charles Demien,  [2 Feb 1834 - 26 Jan 1907]
  • Parents (Eltern):  not known

Mary Marie (Heuer) Demien,  [2 Sep 1835 - 31 Mar 1906]
  • Parents (Eltern):  not known


Photo Album (Foto Album):
 none - -  
Notes (Anmerkungen)
  • Charles born Pummen or Bellow, Germany and Mary born in Rollen, Germany; Charles and Mary died in Wentzville, MO
  • The Carl Demien family left Pommen, Germany in 1882. They were sailing to Ramsonville or Wilson, New York to join his brother Christian. The boat went to New Orleans instead. They took a boat up the Mississippi to St. Louis and went inland. They arrived at Wentzville with $25. They were taken in by the Auping family and lived with them. Carl worked in a grocery store butcher shop and Mary in a hotel. Later they bought a farm. They were of the Luthern faith and spoke Low German at home and High German at school and church.
    source: Mary Meyer
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