Ruth Busdieker Family

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Ruth and Cousins, 1959

Dale, Ruth, Alan, Leon, Linda Busdieker

front: Carl Freese, Kathy Busdieker

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Leon, Ruth and Grandparents, 1960


Lydia and Herman Freese, Leon and Ruth Busdieker

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Leon, Ruth and Tony


Tony was a big part of our family for 20 years


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Ruth and Family '72

back: Loyd, Ruth, Leon front: Rosel, Mabel, Lawrence

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The August Giessman Family, 1901

George Freese, August Freese, Lydia Giessmann, Emmet Giessmann, Wilhelmina



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Dedicating the Handbells in memory of

Our Grandparents in '93



The grandchildren, spouses and greatgrandchildren playing the handbells in church dedicated in memory of Herman and Lydia Freese

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The next generation at my House at Thanksgiving '92 

Kyle Freese, Stephanie Busdieker, Mike Schmidt, Nichole Busdieker, Thor Freese, Matt Schmidt

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Mom and Dad's 40 Anniversary, Dec 1993

Michael Schmidt, Loyd Busdieker, Stephanie Busdieker,Leon Busdieker, Ruth Busdieker, Rosel Schmidt, Bryan Schmidt, Nichole Busdieker, Pam Busdieker

front: Mitchell Schmidt, Lawrence Busdieker, Matthew Schmidt, Mabel Busdieker, Marcus Schmidt 


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Ruth's Nieces and Nephews '92

Stephanie and Nichole Busdieker, Matt and Mike Schmidt

in buggy: Marcus and Mitchell Schmidt

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August and Wilhelmine Freese


This wedding picture of August & Wilhelmine (Paul) Freese was taken in 18??. They were married only for xx years because August died in 18xx, leaving a wife and two young children - a son George aged yy, and a daughter Dena who was n.

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